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Obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder. It causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder. It causes breathing to repeatedly stop and start during sleep.
Heart Attack
OSA affects up to 20% of the world population and it is estimated that 80% of potential cases are undiagnosed.
The most common detection method is polysomnography, which suffers from a number of disadvantages
PSG requires overnight testing at a sleep center or static location.
Patients can wait up to 6 months for PSG at a sleep center.
Uncomfortable overnight stay affects the quality of sleep.
Simple tossing and turning during sleep can loosen electrode patches and affect signals
AmCAD-UO offers 10-minute detection for obstructive sleep apnea on awake patients, helping doctors to evaluate the root cause of sleep apnea and offer assessment for moderate/severe OSA patients. With laser-guided positioning, AmCAD-UO can precisely scan upper airway and analyze the gap between normal breathing and Müller Maneuver models. AmCAD-UO system standardizes ultrasound transducer scanning to reduce intra-observer variations and make the assessment consistent.
Laser-Guided Positioning
Automated Scan for
Normal Breathing and
Müller Maneuver
Patient Information
Collect and analyze
ultrasound images
Detection Report
Moderate & Severe
OSA Assessment
Effectiveness is difficult to evaluate for different OSA treatments leading to low compliance rate Noncompliance rate up to 68%
Oral Appliance
OSA Surgery
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation
Immediate 3D Anatomic Airway Assessment for Treatment Evaluation
Positioning and Automated Scanning
Collect and Analyze
Ultrasound Images
3D Airway Assessment
Assessment report